
| 2017-08-14 01:39:26

By | 2017年8月14日



  • ASIN — Amazon Standard Item Number

    An alphanumeric token that uniquely identifies items in the Amazon marketplace.

    All items in the marketplace have an ASIN. This is by far the most common identifier. ASINs are used by the majority of Product Advertising API operations.

The second identifies items that can actually be purchased:

  • OfferListingId — An alphanumeric token that uniquely identifies items in the Amazon marketplace that can be purchased

    All items in the marketplace that can be purchased have an OfferListingId. This is by far the most common identifier for items that can be purchased.


  • UPC — Universal Product Code

    A 12-digit item identifier used in the US and CA locales. The UPC is the identifier used in bar codes.

  • EAN — European Article Number

    A 13-digit equivalent of the UPC that is used in Europe for products and bar codes.

  • JAN — Japanese Article Number

    The equivalent of the EAN that is used in Japan for products and bar codes.

  • ISBN — International Standard Book Number

    An alphanumeric token that uniquely identifies a book. To use ISBN-13, use the EAN IdType.

  • SKU — Stock Keeping Unit

    A merchant-specific identifier for a purchasable good, like a shirt or chair. Amazon’s version of the SKU is the ASIN.

    Amazon assigns items with SKUs an ASIN. If you had to search by SKU only, you would have to search each merchant’s items independently because SKUs are not unique across all merchants. Several Product Advertising API operations enable you to search by SKU but the merchant must also be identified in the same request.

  • EISBN — Electronic International Standard Book Number

    A token that uniquely identifies a digital book.



